Tuesday, October 20, 2009

books and things

I wish I read more, but I just don't. 
I'm half-heartedly reading "Infinite Jest" by David Foster Wallace. It's long as hell and makes no sense so far.
I'm also wanting to read "The Passion" by Jeanette Winterson which was loaned to me.

A beautiful Winterson quote:
"They say that every snowflake is different. If that were true, how could the world go on? How could we ever get up off our knees? How could we ever recover from the wonder of it?" 

And a quote from Plath:
Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences.

What else could I want?


Wow, I haven't done anything with this silly little blog in ages.
I didn't do much knitting over the summer. The first half of the summer I was too busy partying and sleeping, and the second half trying to do both of those things as well as work full time. 
But now I'm at college and I knit like a fiend. I joined the campus knit/crochet club and I'm learning new interesting things and just enjoying seeing what other people are doing.

Right now I'm in Christmas present making mode. Here are the socks I'm working on, probably for my mom. Pattern is "Monkey" from Knitty.

It's my first time doing top-down and it's going pretty well. I'm almost done with the first sock.

Really I am just blogging to procrastinate on writing an essay for my Honors 199 class about Lee Iacocca. Bo-ring.